I asked for it, and I got it:
Before he was cast for “Prison Break,” Miller got some notoriety for being cast as the voice of the HAL-3000-like fighter-bomber computer in Stealth(he also was seen canoodling with co-star hottie Jessica Biel; other co-star Jamie Foxx stated “I knew this boy was a redbone [light skinned or mulatto] the second he started drinking Cutty at the wrap party…)
Canoodling with Jessica Biel? Not a chance, LOL. I would discuss the entire piece but whenever people start talking about race, everyone starts freaking the hell out so I'm going to leave that alone. I will however say that Jamie's comment is hilarious and one last thing:
Despite the fact you were a Tigertone and thus likely on the DL, I salute you.
LOL, No comment.
*SPOILER WARNING* If you have not seen The Human Stain, this article will spoil the movie for you.