Or at least this Chinese ad featuring his face implies that he does...

With Fox's hit TV show, "Prison Break", returning this season there have been a huge number of ads, promo billboards, viral marketing campaigns and magazine features on the series and its star, Wentworth Miller.But Chinese site, Youth Weekend, has rated all these advertising efforts and decided that the best one was the newspaper ad for prostate problems in a local Fuzhou newspaper featuring the craggily handsome visage of Mr. Miller. Is this a secret endorsement project of Miller's? Is he concerned about the hundreds of millions of prostates of China? God bless him.
(And God bless EastSouthWestNorth for covering China with a relentless magnifying glass)
(And other international ads for "Prison Break" can be seen here)
This is pretty funny. It's not like he posed for the ad, they just put his face from one of the breathtaking GQ shots at the top of it. Those International Prison Break ads are pretty cool too. My favorite is:

UPDATE: Looks like great minds think alike but for the record, mine was up first *wags tongue*