It's the sound of my 100th post! But there is another, even louder sound I hear that makes me ache inside. It has a sort of echo to it:
It's the sound of our voices bouncing off of Wentworth Miller's back as he leaves us for Prison Break's hiatus. *cries*
No more Weekly Went until the January 22, 2007 recap show catches us up on all of the Prison Break drama our holiday sweets induced comas will have made us forget about. New episodes don't begin until the following week on January 29, 2006. Since we'll all be spending the hours counting the minutes until Prison Break comes back, I decided to post a countdown clock both in this post and in the sidebar so we'll always know how much longer it is until our precious man returns to us. So when you're crying into your beer, at least you know when your misery will end. Have one for me and let's all wail in misery together: Went...Worth...*wailing*