I had every intention of posting something yesterday except that the cold that I had been waiting on to arrive finally showed its face as I woke up and dammit I needed to catch up on my TV shows because you people will try and suck the life out of me if I let you. Thanks to you, yes you reading right now, I've missed Heroes, Weeds and The Wire for weeks, but now I'm caught up. I took Thera-Flu and drank some Echinacea and took some cold medicine and rested and this morning I feel better but I still had to stop and buy 1 of every kind of cold medicine ever made just in case. To the guy that looked like he wanted to come over and holla at me this morning and then I took my cough drop out of my mouth and just hawked one in the street: You looked disgusted and I apologize but it had to be done. At the very least I will still do my Prison Break Recap and Wentcap tonight but don't expect too much more. My brain is fried while I continue to cough up a lung and otherwise feel like I want to slit my own throat. I think that while I was in the Rite-Aid isle I may have even said out loud "Ahhh, kill me!" Now, Went will try to help me out from his faraway location because even though I feel like those people in the cold medicine commercials that look like monsters right now, he still loves me. Check him out trying to give my cold the stare down...