It is getting harder and harder to pick just one comment to highlight. You people are killing me. I don't even know how many I picked this week because I lost count.
- On A Few Things
...why don't the two of us get hitched?! Gay marriages are in the process of being legalized in SA....
I don't get many marriage proposals so when I get one, I have to call attention to it. Why oh why can't you be Went proposing su? Why? *cries*
the gilded moose said:
FYI, I just saw Wentworth lying dead in a pool of blood outside Red Lobster.
He's SUCH a drama queen.
stacy said:
I hope it's ok, but I just licked this pic (and drooled a bit into the keyboard). I suppose it doesn't harm anything for you but what about my own LCD panel? I wonder if that kind of wet damage is covered under warranty?
Drooling over Went is always OK. It should be covered under "Wentworth Miller hotness related incident." I don't know why it's always listed last on the warranty when it is the #1 cause of electronic failure.
Anonymous said:
"Dance for me?"
I would dance like there was no tomorrow. In glorious nakedness. For Went.
The End.
Anonymous said:
hey, u're infinitely amusing, whether you intend it or not. thanks for posting something abt wentworth miller almost everyday. LOVE IT. LOVE THE SITE. KEEP 'EM COMIN BABY.
Flattery always wins.the gilded moose said:
you need help... serious, strong, prescription-strength mental help.
Yes, yes I do. I'd down a pitcher of Jim Jones' Kool Aid if Went was the one pouring it in my mouth. Wait, that didn't help my case did it? OK forget I said anything. Seriously, it was SO difficult to pick a favorite on this post. Wentporn brings out the best in you guys. I wanted to pick them ALL!
mink said:
Erm, yeah, Strict!Michael is the hotness. As is Bereft!Michael and Crying!Michael. Ah, screw it! Who am I kidding? All Michael is THE hotness.
Love the recap. Except for the inescapable disadvantage of the lack of walking, talking Tall Sliver of Gorgeousness a.k.a. The Pretty, it's somewhat more entertaining than the show. Kudos!
All Michael is THE hotness. I couldn't have said it any better. The recaps are fun to write. Thanks for the Kudos (the word kudos amuses me, I don't know why).
notthedoctor said:
I went through your blog from top to the bottom and i have decided to make you Queen of Wentlust!
you are the english speaking version of french me!
i bow at you Oh! Queen of Wentlust and am humble to share the lust with you.
Thank you. I accept this title. You're awesome.
patty said:
Thanks be to Jeebus, you are back up! Have a great thanksgiving!
Thanks be to Jeebus, LOL, classic.
Anonymous said...
I write from spain, sorry for my english...
I love your web, you make me smile a lot everytime I visit your page.
Go on, you´re fantastic. Thanks a lot for the moments you give us.
Ahhh, Went rules ;)
I need to improve language... I know, haha.
Best wishes
tia said:
oh my GOD look at that ASS it is pure perfection,normally I could care less what a man's ass looks like but that is the most spectacular beautiful thing I have ever seen in my whole life and the fact that it belongs to him makes him even more perfect to me,I cant stop looking at it I mean hot DAMN look at that thing do you see what I see, I just want to grab it, pinch it, rub it, spank it, kiss it,lick it,I could go on and on but have to stop writing because I want to get back to looking at it again and again and again and again oh thank you WFW GOD BLESS YOU this is the best Thanksgiving EVER!
Your excitement makes it all worth it. Again, hard to pick a favorite here.
Thanks everyone for your comments!