What would you guys think about a clickable banner that you can put on your respective Myspace pages? I could design one and send it to anyone who wants one and yes I totally stole this idea from Jake Watch (Well shit, it was a good idea) although I don't think I'll number them. Hmm, I don't think my Jake Watch Agent banner on my Myspace page is clickable (making mental note to add code). You wouldn't have to limit it to just Myspace pages though, you could put it on your blog too or wherever else you might want to display it. It will say "I am wet for Went," though I'm not sure of the rest of the design just yet. Anyway, let me know in the comments of this post if you're interested (or if you like you can email me) and I'll come up with something either tonight or this weekend depending on how the rest of my week goes. Oh and our last Wentcap of the year is up next so stay tuned!