For the last Wentcap of the year, Mr. Walking Sex himself gives us a facial...A lot of them.
Hot Like Fire

He's SO hot that everything near him just spontaneously combusted.
Aww Baby, Are You OK?

Don't worry, there is absolutely nothing you could do that would mess up that face. You even looked good as a dead guy. A bruise and a little blood are not going to spoil a thing.
Went is into Bondage

Apparently, he LIKES being handcuffed. Just look at that perfect look of contentment as he heads down the road all shackled and stuff. *Making mental note for our inevitable meeting*
Went and that Sexy Jawline

He is clenching that jaw...Again...
The Fuck Me Look is Only Half-way There

If you're going to do it, you have to close your eyes AND throw your head back. Afterall, you invented the look. I shouldn't have to tell you this Went.
In the words of Dany from WFT,
This next pic is Pure Charmed Happiness
This next pic is Pure Charmed Happiness

His face is a thing of beauty. I just can't get enough. In fact, Let's see more:

That furrowed brow, that nose, the hint of ear, the scruff, those lashes, those lips (and they have the nerve to be, the mole...*feeling faint*
Wenttongue Peepshow...Well sort of.

Apparently the word is out: We are always looking for Wenttongue. So this time he tried to hide it...Too bad he had an involuntary tongue spasm, Ha! Too bad for him but not for us: I see WENTTONGUE! Dom is desperately trying not to follow suit. He must have taken my threat seriously.
Went Behind Bars

Lock him up....Throw away the key...And spank him. Actually, scratch that, Let ME do it. Oh please let me. *drooling*
It's a Bird, It's a Plane...

It's Wents' ridiculously perfect profile complete with eyes that look like they are the color of storm clouds. And why is it that even his NECK is beautiful...And why have I never noticed this before?
Oh Blue Steel How We Love Thee

And this is some incredibly Blue Steel behind even MORE steel. That's got to be like a record or something.
Went is Quite Fit

He stops in the middle of filming Prison Break to do a pull-up. He is such a show off.
Bloody Hell

I believe it was Stacy who said she would like to lick this blood off of his head and while this statement is borderline psycho, somehow, it appeals to me. Blood looks so good on him that I think I may know what role I'd like to see Went take on next...I'd love to see Went in a vampire movie...Dripping with homoeroticism a la Interview with the Vampire...Writhing around on the floor shirtless and bleeding (Maybe outside of Red Lobster) after being bitten by some other gorgeous man, hmmm, Maybe Jake! I can see it now: Sex, murder, bloodlust, More Sex, naked Went, fangs, Even more Sex, mayhem, obsession, Still More Sex, naked Jake, cheesy bread...Did I mention sex? OK I see a slash opportunity here; Someone with skills, start writing!
Wentworth Miller IS Spiderman
Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

He is flexible that one. *Making another mental note*
Am I the only one that hears Monks singing when I look at this picture?

He is truly The Chosen One. He travels with his own lighting provided from on high by the beautiful man gods.
Check it out...He's looking RIGHT at me!

No Went. How many times do I have to tell you that we have to wait until AFTER they say "cut," eventhough what we did last week was totally fun. *giggling* Oh OK, if you insist...
Uh Oh, We're winding down and Went too is sad...

I don't want it to end either but YOU are the one that said we needed to take a break from each other! I mean it's not too intense for ME; You're the one that needs "space." *rolling eyes, pouting and crossing arms* What do you want from me? *hands on hips* Oh so NOW you want to take it back? Well it's too damn late! *cries, Went hugs me* I hate it when we fight. Let's make up...Say around...January 29th-ish...OK? I love you too. *kiss*
And the Emmy Goes To:

This perfect mix of both shock and horror. Outstanding Went! *Clapping* Oh Fuck it, just give the man an Oscar.
Oh Went, I hate to see you go

But I LOVE to watch you leave.

Went, you are either doing the robot here, posing for your very own action figure or your running style has significantly improved; I knew it was the suits' fault! Whatever the reason for this most unusual stance, Kudos (like that Mink, LOL)! I like the pose. It works.
He takes one last look back at the fangirls and fanboys wailing in the distance...

Bye Went! Until next year! *waving*
And I will end with this pic because it is so freaking Wentilicious... I spotted it at The Church and the original came from Prison Break Online. This picture is so sexy for SO many reasons...And it may just help ease the pain of going so long without seeing Wentworth Miller's face every week.