Oh yes. In the world of Gap ads, non-gay declarations, Beigette sightings, fan photo madness, live streaming radio interviews, PH outing attempts, ridiculous rumors, The Hour viewings, fake PB eps complete with MiSa porn, bracelet ideas and Wentmas songs, Prison Break really does still exist and it will be back before we know it...And you guys thought we'd be bored during the hiatus...HA! It appears that the previous info on the date of the return of Prison Break was wrong. Instead of a recap on 1/22 we will be getting a brand new episode...WOO HOO! So the countdown to Weekly Went is almost over (check the clock...only 17 days left)! Jared, the spoiler king, has had a few tidbits that you MAY have missed so without further adoo, it's link time!
Kellerman helping Michael and Lincoln escape
Prison Break video preview
And don't forget, you now have only 5 more days to get your nominations in for the Bloggies! If you need a little help with your other blog choices, you will find my suggestions here (and under Post Category Bloggies). Favorite Comments of the Week will be an unusually large chore this week (whew, where did all y'all come from) but don't worry, you'll still get them, it just may not be while I'm at work which would mean they won't be up for at least 8 more hours. I simply can NOT get fired over Wentworth Miller...although if he agreed to come take me away we could definitely talk...
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